Matt Millage
Director of Public Space Operations

With backgrounds in both hospitality and horticulture, Matt looks to improve Georgetown every day as the Public Space Manager. He works with all members of the Georgetown BID team, and a variety of contractors, to accomplish special projects and the daily tasks that make Georgetown the unique and vibrant neighborhood that attracts millions of visitors every year. Working in the operations department, Matt helps to manage public safety, the Clean Team, our flower program, and all of the many things in between that help a thriving neighborhood like Georgetown keep moving. Prior to coming to the BID, Matt worked in public gardening as horticulturist and curator of the Asian Collection at the US National Arboretum, and at Smithsonian Gardens. In what feels like another life, he was also the General Manager of Rivers at the Watergate, a fine dining restaurant in the Watergate complex. In his spare time, he enjoys gardening, spending time with his family, and trying to shoot under 100 on any golf course. Matt is an ISA certified arborist, certified commercial pesticide applicator, and has a degree in horticulture from Northern Virginia Community College. He and his family live here in DC in the Benning neighborhood.
Been with the BID: since September 2022
Been in DC: Born and raised!
Favorite Georgetown amenity: Taking a walk in Georgetown waterfront park